Friday, May 3, 2024

How many times are they allowed to redraw the tree?

Just recently, I wrote about a fossilized jawbone of an alleged human ancestor.  A headline from National Geographic claimed, “Oldest Human Fossil Found, Redrawing Family Tree.”  That article was written in 2015 and is no longer available but it seems to me I read headlines like this all the time: “New Fossil Rewrites Evolution!!”  It’s funny -  I mean downright hilarious - that seemingly everyday, some new discovery pops up that forces evolutionists to redraw the so-called, “Tree of Life.”

Richard Dawkins once spoke a great lie when he said, “Evolution could so easily be disproved if just a single fossil turned up in the wrong date order. Evolution has passed this test with flying colours.” (The Greatest Show on Earth, p.147). Well, the above jawbone was said to put the first members of the human genus Homo in the Afar region of Ethiopia half a million years earlier than previously thought.  So, Mr. Dawkins, just one fossil, right?  Flying colors, right?  Well consider your theory disproved!!

Alas, it doesn’t work that way.  Out of order fossils don’t disprove their theory - they correct their theory.  You see, they’re already convinced evolution happened so when some find shows up somewhere they didn’t think it would be, they go back to work redrawing lines on paper.  They know (!) humans evolved, they’re just not sure about the how, when, and where of human evolution.

Just read some of these headlines:

Human-evolution story rewritten by fresh data and more computing power (Nature, May 18, 2023)

The 2023 discoveries that made us rethink the story of human evolution (NewScientist, December 13, 2023)

A Cave of bones could rewrite the history of human evolution, and more… (CBC Radio)

Remember too that these headlines are only dealing with alleged human ancestors – the most desirable of fossil finds. Every fossil primate skull that has ever been found for the last several decades is evaluated for a potential place in the ancestral tree of humans.  After more than a century since Darwin said we evolved from apes, the fossil record still hasn't shown us any “clear progression” of such a thing happening. In spite of every effort by evolutionists, no clear lines can be drawn. Scientists only continuously rearrange broken branches that may not even belong on the same bush.

Look at this illustration from Scientific American.  It’s supposed to be a supposed representation of human evolution.  Do you notice anything peculiar about it?  It’s a cool drawing, I admit, but none of the branches of supposed human ancestors actually connect to the tree!!  Look particularly at the Homo sapien fossil at the top; can you draw a line from that skull directly to any supposed ancestor?  The usual evolutionist’s claim is that humans aren’t descended from apes; rather, humans and apes share a common ancestor.  However, nowhere do we see this common ancestor.  It’s very strange.

Besides human evolution, evolutionists' theories about the evolution of other species are continuously being upset by new discoveries. Here are a few more headlines for your amusement:

Sea Lampreys Rewrite Our Understanding of Vertebrate Brain Evolution (Technology Networks, February 27, 2024)

1.63 Billion-year-old fossil may rewrite the history of multicellular life (Big Think, February 8, 2024)

Scientists uncover a “bizarre” leggy dinosaur unlike anything seen before, and it could rewrite the history of bird evolution (Business Insider, September 7, 2023)

It’s beginning to sound like scientists aren’t really sure how, when, or where anything evolved.  What other scientific theory can be as imprecise as evolution and still be taken seriously by the scientific community?  It’s a good thing evolution really has nothing to do with real science.  If we were as wrong about something like physics as we are about evolution, bridges would be collapsing and planes would be falling from the sky.  As it stands now, if everything we thought we knew about evolution were suddenly proven wrong, it would have no impact on any other field of science.  It certainly wouldn’t stop us from continuing to produce life improving technologies.  Evolution is sort of like the trivial pursuit of science.

Are evolutionists never embarrassed by news like this? I've been told ad nauseum that the so-called “tree of life” is evidence of common descent. It’s often cited by evolutionists while defending their theory. But how can it be evidence for anything if it has to be redrawn every other day? I understand that sometimes people exaggerate headlines in order to attract readers but when you read many of these types of articles, you'll see that in most of these stories, some new find indeed does change the previous understanding of how something allegedly evolved. So how many times do they have to be wrong about the theory before people begin to question the theory itself? How many times are they allowed to redraw the tree until people begin to realize there is no tree?!

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