People have asked me, “What is the evidence for biblical creation?” That's a difficult question because there is often a misunderstanding about what “evidence” is. Evidence is neutral – that is, it isn't truly for any theory. Rather, theories are invented in order to explain the evidence. A theory might seem to explain the evidence rather well but then later, the theory could still be rejected in favor of a new theory. As theories come and go, the evidence is always the same. The universe just keeps chugging along like it always has and nothing has changed except the theory.
After having said that evidence isn't really for any theory, I still feel there are some things better explained by biblical creation than by secular theories. I'm not saying secular theories have no explanation for any of things things (well, I guess in some cases they don't), but that biblical creation has the most reasonable explanation and, so, is more likely the correct explanation. I'm not going to make a series of posts with the best evidence, but will make this a recurring topic that I post from time to time, with similar headings. You can find all the posts related to this topic by clicking on “Evidence for creation” in the label cloud on the left.
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The idea of an eternally old universe has its own host of problems which I'll have to deal with in another post. In this post, we'll deal with idea that the universe began to exist since this is the prevailing view anyway. The “Big Bang” theory suggests that all time/matter/space came into being from “nothing” when a singularity began to expand and become our universe.
Before anything began to exist, nothing had to exist, right? Yet there is no scientific process by which nothing can create anything. Such a point is so ridiculously absurd that I find it incredible there are people who argue against it. In his book, The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking said, “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” How could such a bright guy make such a nonsensical statement? How could there even be a law such as gravity if nothing existed? Physical laws, such as gravity, are very likely properties of matter. At the very least, physical laws describe how matter behaves. In any event, if nothing exists, then neither do physical laws exist. Logically speaking, something cannot create itself so how could a physical laws create physical laws?
Secular scientists will always appeal to a natural cause for any phenomenon. But in the case of the universe that's sort of like saying nature created nature. It's laughable. The cause for nature has to be something outside of nature. It must be supernatural by definition. Right?
You can either believe in the Supernatural Creator who made everything or you can believe nothing created everything. Which do you think better explains the origin of the universe?
Genesis 2:1-2 says, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”
God created the heavens, earth, and everything in them in six days. Then He rested on the 7th – that is, He stopped creating. What we observe in the universe, everything we've learned from science, and every ounce of common sense we can muster tells us the Bible is true.
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